The ending came over as a bit rushed to me, well-staged but a slowing down pace-wise would have made the crucial revelations much clearer. Some of the pace could have been tighter, with some of the middle act meandering and not always involving. The big revelation(s) in the last act, especially for what seemed to be the conclusion of the main story strand, did confuse me and needed much more breathing space for the viewer to take it all in, one is left in a whirlwind that gets bigger.

Making the story feel cluttered and not always focused, which affects the cohesion. There were too many story strands too, variably explored. It was great to see life at Hogwarts and feel nostalgic with the references, but that was also hurt by that what was shown didn't seem to fit continuity-wise. There are too many characters and not all of them are necessary and the others given too short shrift, the inclusion of Nicolas Flamel for instance was pointless with him having literally nothing to do and felt merely there as a thrown in Harry Potter reference. Do agree with those who have described 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' as over-stuffed. Will get the not so good things out of the way. Can totally see where critics are coming from while also seeing what those who liked it saw in it. It wasn't for me vastly inferior and the drop in quality was not large, although visually this film looked better and preferred the cast here too the previous film had more focus and cohesion and the creatures were used better.

Yet, compared to some sequels that have earned that distinction by me, it is an example of a follow-up that fell short of being better. 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' is a sequel that is bigger in spectacle, darker in content and bolder in its basic story. My thoughts after watching 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' were mostly positive though with a few fairly serious misgivings. Although the critical reception was mixed, the high hopes were not shattered because word of mouth from friends, whose opinions this reviewer always trusts, was positive and am someone aiming to see all the film for franchise completest sake. It became one of my most anticipated films of the year after being captivated by the trailer. Had high hopes for 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald'.

Found myself really enjoying the first 'Fantastic Beasts' film, though not all my friends and family did for understandable reasons. Having grown up with the franchise and cherishing the fond memories being engrossed in the books, the midnight shopping trips to get the latest one and watching the films in the cinema being entertained, dazzled and at times even scared. Am something of a fan of Harry Potter, books and films.